Johnny c. j. wu
About ME
I am a proven Senior Executive with almost 10-year experience in the fields of industrial, official, and academic relations, agile management, and corporate strategy.
I hold a firm belief in value and result creation through optimized and innovative solutions for the benefit of networks, counterparts, and shareholders. Therefore, my main contributions to organizations are mainly around:
- Leveraging strengths and developing organizations’ networking across filed and functions.
- Enhancement of entity value, image, and publicity through digitalization and offline events, partnerships , and channels.
- Agile management by empowering individuals, systematizing action plans, and iteratively reviewing results.
My most exciting moments have always occurred while overcoming teams or corporate challenges and implementing proper strategies to support external outreach, operational bottleneck, and internal management. Such results were generated and intuited through a mature understanding of the specific environment and close collaboration between stockholders. Bridging the gaps making the network in an ever-changing world is the mission I enjoy! Delivering such accomplishments requires adaptability, passion, resilience, leadership, and unwavering ethics.
Head - NTU OIA |CEO - MOST GASE |President - Rennes SB TAA | Youth Advisory Board - MoE | Director - USC OIA
International Affairs Office
Head and Director of Global Relations
2021 September - Present
Responsibilities include welcoming foreign stakeholders and guests, government-industry-university-institute partnerships via the NTU International Mentorship Program, handling public relations through social media, as well as events and ad-hoc projects in order to promote the NTU OIA brand.
Youth Advisory Committee, Youth Development Administration
Youth Advisor - International Affairs
2 YEARS 〈2021 May - 2023 May〉
*** 「111年青年國際會議及交流活動行政作業採購案」採購評選委員會委員 ***
*** 「112年青年國際會議及交流活動行政作業採購案」採購評選委員會委員 ***
*** 「113年超牆青年E學院平臺維護及營運行政作業」案採購評選委員會委員 ***
電台專訪:國立教育廣播電臺 - 我是青諮委員,我要來為青年來發聲
North-east Asia & Taiwan Alumni Association
2015 June - Present
Taiwan Alumni Association is a platform for connecting and gathering alumni in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. Founded in 2015, the Taiwan Alumni Association has organized several alumni gathering events. The association tries to magnify the benefits as much as possible, holding the cocktail night and consulting the future students whenever they have questions. Furthermore, RSB-TAA also assists RSB in assessing and evaluating the partnerships in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.
新聞:法國在台協會 - 雷恩商學院(RSB)台灣校友會歡慶成立5週年!
採訪:法國在台協會 -【Interview Alumni –留法校友訪談】
Center for Global Affairs and Science Engagement, Ministry of Science and Technology
3 YEARS 〈2019 April - 2022 January〉
- Strategizing on the organization's overall orientation and deploying resources respectively to achieve the purpose of the programs
- Lead management and execute marketing to build an industrial-academic-official alliance, associations, and partnerships to boost global affairs and science engagements for the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST).
- Liaising with external partners and departments to manage curation, mobilization, and execution for win-win cross-industry/professional/educational collaboration.新聞:TUN大學網 - 北大講座交換生培力NO.3,斜槓青年GASE中心吳霽儒執行長分享
專訪:宜家(IKEA)聊生意 - 和[科技部GASE]聊聊台灣科研界的發展藍圖
專訪:WillStudy - 法國留學啟蒙之旅後,開啟的創業篇章 | 科技部 GASE 執行長
Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan
→ Director of International Affairs Office
→ Director of Chinese Language Center
→ Lecturer of English-taught Program in Intl' Business, MGT College
7 YEARS 〈2011 August - 2018 August〉
- Manage strategic planning, execution, enrollment for +200 partnerships with sister schools or academic institutions.
- Create and execute outreach strategy related to program communications, development, partnerships, and academic exchange.
- Managed university entertainment, events, exhibitions and worked closely with the school president and the dean of international affairs to establish industrial, academic, and official networks.-------------------------------------------------------------
- Found a proven and qualified academic center that offers a comprehensive array of language, cross-cultural, and communication tools
- Applied open, various, multi-cultural, and most importantly, easy access to language and cultural learning for foreigners.
- Build unique, massive open online/offline course events with faculties and technical staff to streamline the learning process for members and provide them opportunities to explore Taiwan.新聞:金門日報 - 史瓦濟蘭王子 一天旋風式訪金
新聞:自由時報 - 國際學生壯遊嘉義 體驗龍舟與刺繡
新聞:蘋果日報 - 國際交換學生鄉下烤肉 雞同鴨講嘛吔通
Rennes - France|Almería - Spain|Taipei - Taiwan|Prague - Czech Republic
Renne School of Business, France
September 2013 - June 2015
MSc. in International Marketing
《Joseph Fourier Scholarship》 - Boursier du Gouvernement Français
《Pioneer Scholarship》- Rennes School of Business
Almería University, Spain
2014 Januray
International Strategic Marketing - Visiting Student Program
Tamkang University, Taiwan
2006 September - 2010 June
B.A. in International Trade
《Foxconn GM - Yi-Pin Chien Alumnus Scholarship》(Outstanding Awardee)
Extra-Curriculum Activities:
- Founder and President of TKU Volunteers of Intl' Service (TKU VOIS)
- Founder and PR Officer of Intl' Culture Exchange Organization (IECO)
- Captain of Departmental Volleyball Team
新聞:淡江時報 - 國貿生吳霽儒赴APEC 豐碩收穫全寫在臉上
Charles University, Czech Republic
2008 September - 2009 June
Economics, Faculty of Social Science - Erasmus Exchange Program
(Full-Scholarship Awarded)
Iconic projects
Everything about the past four years at MOST GASE and NTU OIA
NTU International Mentorship Program
2021 -
NTU is launching this mentorship style internship program tailor made for international students at NTU. For this program, NTUOIA invites the senior management of government agencies, foreign organizations, corporations, start-ups, chambers, research institutions, and non-profit organizations to serve as mentors for international students. We hope to provide an opportunity for the students to put their theoretical learnings in to practice, at the same time, inspire the students with new perspectives on life and career.
新聞:中央通訊社 - 台大推國際生師徒制實習 引路人計畫首年170名額
新聞:中央廣播電台 - 台大首創國際引路人計畫 開拓外籍生留台之路
報導:中央廣播電台 - 台大啟動「引路人計畫」 吸引170名優秀國際生留台實習
NTU Overseas Internship Program
2022 -
:The NTU Overseas Internship Program is the first university-level program of its kind in Taiwan, sending select NTU students to overseas businesses, NGOs, and research institutes for summer internships. The program emphasizes a mentorship-style internship, with each overseas partner organization selecting mentors to support the student interns. Under the guidance of their mentors, these NTU students will experience foreign workplace culture and engage in international affairs around the world, developing their future career paths.
新聞:中央通訊社 - 台大引水人計畫 英國頂級植物園首見台灣實習生
新聞:NOWnews今日新聞 - 台大國際引水人計畫啟航!30生暑假訪以色列
NTU iNGO Academy
2022 -
The iNGO Academy is a pre-incubation program based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Cooperating with iNGOs in Taiwan, it provides aspiring students from NTU with field opportunities outside the classroom. By working directly with iNGOs as interns, students will learn how the organization they are matched with tackles different social issues and promotes SDGs achievement.nt.
新聞:中央通訊社 - 臺大國際NGO人才學校首開辦 陳文章盼培養兩大能力
新聞:自由時報 - 攜手9非政府組織培育人才 台大首創國際NGO人才學校
International Partners Southern Taiwan S&T Tour
27th April 2021
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) hosted its first-ever International Partners Southern Taiwan S&T Tour, led by Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu and participated by about 100 attendees, including official envoys in Taiwan from 26 countries and representatives of eight chambers of commerce. The tour visited several prominent institutions in Tainan Shalun Smart Green Energy Science City and Southern Taiwan Science Park. Leading the tour, Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu hopes that the trip could increase the international visibility of Taiwan’s smart technology, advanced green technology, and smart healthcare development, and thus to enhance tighter collaboration with global partners.
新聞:中央通訊社 - 科技部邀26國駐台使節參訪 展示南台灣科技能量
MOST GASE X 19th ATCC Case Competition
2021 January - July
In 2021, MOST GASE joined ATCC as the first-ever and only central state organ and one of the five "Case Partners" along with Carrefour, Taoyuan City Government, Taiwan Mobile, and Shin Kong Financial. The theme for our case is "Youth Impact: You are the Science and Technology Ambassador of Taiwan." We ask the contestants to develop ways and ideas to promote Taiwan's Technological Innovation to the world.
新聞:國立教育廣播電臺 - 第19屆ATCC商業個案大賽起跑 邀請大專生踴躍報名
新聞:台北市政府產業發展局 - 北市產業局攜手ATCC,透過產學協作提供青年揮灑創新創意實力舞台
諾貝爾大師論壇 - 永續成珍的旅程:溫柔而堅毅的珍古德博士
Tang Prize Laureate - Dr. Jane Goodall's Spiritual Journey Toward Sustainability
14th November 2020
MOST GASE collaborated with the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum to hold the master speech series, Four Seasons Speech Series – Winter. This time, MOST GASE has the honor to invite Dr. Jane Goodall, the Laureate of the 2020 Tang Prize in Sustainability, to talk about her journey and inspiration to become the leader and activist in nature conservation and environmental sustainability.
新聞:自由時報 - 台灣防疫有成珍古德博士視訊談後疫情的永續發展
2020 科技部國際合作研究成果發表會
2020 MOST Science and Technology Intl' Cooperation Research Symposium
20th - 21st October 2020
MOST GASE held the 2020 MOST Science and Technology International Cooperation Research Symposium. The two-day symposium invited Principal Investigators (PIs) of MOST international research projects to present their work. In addition, several foreign representatives and S&T officials also joined the event to share their international cooperation practices and experiences of their countries.
地球的新聲 - U20永續青年論壇
U20 International Youth Forum
August - October 2020
MOST GASE co-organized with CSR @ CommonWealth Magazine of the U20 International Youth Forum. Focusing on the topics of climate change, sustainability, green energy, and plastic and waste reduction, the forum offers a unique opportunity for participants who are passionate about the issues to gain deeper insights through intergenerational dialogue with government and industry representatives and to turn their action plans into feasible solutions.
新聞:CSR@天下 - 為登上10/28國際青年論壇前準備:三場行動工作坊、十位培訓導師
2020 科技部(線上)全球青年暑期營
2020 MOST GASE (Virtual)TAIWAN Global Talent Internship Program
7th July - 26th August 2020
MOST GASE holds the annual internship program. Each year, we selected a limited number of young scholars from worldwide to explore Taiwan’s most advanced technology.
The topic of the 2020 program is Artificial Intelligence and Green Technology, which will take place from July 7 to August 26, 2020. During this 7-week internship, students can choose to intern in either one of the leading laboratories in Taiwan’s top universities, national labs, or corporations. In addition, they will also participate in featured speeches, corporate visits, and cultural experiences organized by GASE.
2019 全球科技領袖高峰論壇
2019 Global Science and Technology Leaders Forum
30th - 31st November 2019
The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) held the 2019 Global Science and Technology Leaders Forum today at Mandarin Oriental, Taipei. The two-day event is part of the special series celebrating the 60th founding anniversary of Taiwan’s science and technology institution.
More than 42 overseas science and technology delegates from 23 prominent institutions in 18 countries (the United States, Canada, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Japan, Israel, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Australia, Philippines, and Thailand) attended this meaningful occasion.
新聞:中央廣播電台 - 全球科技領袖高峰論壇邀18國參與 陳良基盼提升科研能見度
諾貝爾大師論壇 - 我的斯德哥爾摩之路
Nobel Laureate- Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart: My Journey to Stockholm
6th December 2019
In Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart's speech “My Journey to Stockholm,” Professor Sir Fraser Stoddart, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, shared his life and academic journey as an ordinary farm boy from Scotland to receive the world’s most incredible honor from Stockholm. More than 700 scholars, postgraduate and students attended this lecture.
諾貝爾大師論壇 - 星空下的女科學家
Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics - Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell: A Woman Astrophysicist Under the Starry Sky
4th August 2019
Organized jointly by MOST GASE and the National Museum of Natural Science, this event invited Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell to give a speech on the topic, “A Graduate Student’s Tale, the Discovery of Pulsars.”Named one of the world’s most legendary female scientists, Dr. Bell Burnell discovered the first pulsars, which regarded as one of the most important astronomical discoveries of the 20th century.
"I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to innovate."
Honorary Position
2022 Top 100 MVP Manager
Alumni de l'annee 2022
Bureau français de Taipei
Judge of Final 2022-2024 (保誠創新智造所黑客松孵化計畫)
Innovation for Well-being by Prudential Assurance Taiwan
Lead for Taiwan
Judge of Final 2022 (霍特獎四校聯合決賽)
Global Fellows Internship Program, University of Southern California, U.S.A
Judge of Final 2021
Hult Prize National ChengChi University
Advisory Panel
Global Initiatives Symposium (GIS), Taiwan
Youth Delegate, Chinese Taipei
2009 APEC Summit, Singapore
2010 APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), Taiwan
Founder and Supervisor
USC Volunteers of International Service (USC VOIS)
reach out
Contact me for any further cooperation!
© 2019